FCC Industrial, adjudicatario de la ingenieria de la terminal de gas natural licuado de AES CORP en Panamá
FCC Industrial was awarded the engineering works of the AES CORP liquefied natural gas terminal in Panama
The contract entails carrying out the engineering works of the LNG facility at the Puerto Colón in Panama.
FCC Industrial has been awarded the engineering and design contract of the future regasification plant in Colón. The contract is worth €1 million euros and has an completion deadline of 2 months. The client is Gas Natural Atlántico S.R.L., subsidiary of AES Corporation in Panama.
The works on the future regasification terminal consist of two LNG storage tanks with a capacity of 170,000 m3 and 10,000 m3 respectively, the marine works necessary for the berth (jetty) and offloading of tankers and the regasification plant itself. It is hoped that the terminal will be operative in its first phase (10,000 m3 tank) in 2018, and in the second phase (170,000 m3 tank) in 2019.
The awarding of the engineering contract is the first step towards carrying out the construction and commissioning works of the plant. The works will have an estimated budget of €300 million euros and are expected to get underway in January of next year.
FCC Industrial expands its portfolio in energy projects
The allocation of this contract once again demonstrates the specialist expertise of FCC Industrial in the field of LNG, placing it at the forefront in the construction of these types of projects. This contract is added to others which are already underway and which require a high level of specialisation and a solid technological know-how.
FCC Industrial will be gaining experience in the LNG sector by taking on the construction of eight storage tanks, seven tanks which are already up and running in Spain and another one under construction in Finland, as well as three re-gasification plants (Barcelona, Musel and Quintero-Chile).
Effectively, these projects represent improvements to the quality of life of citizens by providing access to energy and increasing competitiveness of the industries. They encourage local economic growth and enhance market synergies, all within the framework of socially responsible sustainability and growth.