FCC Industrial and Matinsa win the contract for "energy saving and efficiency actions in the Folgoso Tunnel" (Pontevedra)
FCC Industrial and Matinsa win the contract for "energy saving and efficiency actions in the Folgoso Tunnel" (Pontevedra)

FCC Industrial and Matinsa have won the contract for "energy saving and efficiency measures in the Folgoso Tunnel. A-52 motorway" in the province of Pontevedra. The objective of the work is to improve energy efficiency in the tunnel's facilities in accordance with economic sustainability measures. The actions will consist of replacing the lighting systems with more efficient alternatives and installing electricity generation systems from renewable sources for self-consumption.
Permanent and reinforcement lighting, signalling lighting, lighting in evacuation galleries, lighting in technical premises and in the control centre will be replaced with LED technology luminaires. This will reduce the current annual consumption from 2,161,813 kWh to 672,259 kWh, obtaining an energy saving of 68.90%. An improvement in dimming by means of a DALI system and luminance meters is also planned.
As a source of renewable electricity generation, the installation of two photovoltaic plants has been planned, one in the median of the east portal of the tunnel and the other on the control centre plot with a total power of 524 kWp, which will provide renewable energy for 75% of consumption, avoiding more than 450 t of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.