FCC Industrial finaliza la subestación eléctrica y las líneas de alta tensión del proyecto “fase III distribución Sur “en Veracruz, México
FCC Industrial completes the electrical substation and high-voltage lines of the "South distribution phase III" project in Veracruz, Mexico
The Mexican Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) has issued the final acceptance of the "Phase III south distribution" project (development of project engineering, civil engineering and electrical equipment of a GIS substation, called Río Medio. The works were carried out entirely by FCC Industrial in Veracruz (Mexico) with a budget of 8.1 million euros.

The works included the 115 kV electrical substation has a 115 / 13.8 kV 40 MVA power transformer, along with a medium voltage distribution centre, and the 115 kV double circuit high voltage underground line layout with a length of 4 km.
The implementation of this project is of great importance for the development of local communities as it will supply a population of over 50,000. The high voltage line as well as the Río Medio substation supply power to new subscribers, provide electricity for domestic and industrial consumption, a service previously unavailable.
Currently, FCC Industrial develops the following EPC projects for the Mexican Federal Electricity Commission (CFE): the Samulá Bocós substation 1-2 in Campeche; as well as several GIS high voltage overhead lines and substations in Tamaulipas.