FCC Industrial
> Sustainability
Community: Case studies
Mariña-Lucense gas pipeline. Environmental protection project, river flow affected by the gas pipeline route
Mariña-Lucense gas pipeline. Environmental protection project, river flow affected by the gas pipeline route
Description of the social and environmental action.
Discovered need:
The following is to be undertaken on all river flows affected by the Mariña-Lucense Gas Pipeline:
- 1.- Inventory of species.
- 2.- Species sampling in the flood areas and river flows.
- 3.- The placement of straw bales and geotextiles in the water downriver from the crossing area to prevent the suspended earth and other particles from affecting the turbidity of the river flow, downriver water and the fauna.
- 4.- The placement of geotextiles to retain possible earth displacements caused by rainfall and the placement of coconut fibre as an erosion control tool.
- 5.- Restitution of the affected area, returning it back to its initial state.
Discovered need:
The environmental action was driven by the protection of fish species in the river flows affected by the Mariña-Lucense Gas Pipeline works, measuring 65 km in length with 16-inch diameter pipes.
Interest Groups:
The main stakeholders of the project were identified as being: the local community, autonomous and local environmental protection services, and the client (Gas Natural Fenosa).
The client participated in supervising the environmental project so it could subsequently pass the results on to the local community and the autonomous and local environmental protection services. During the course of the project, the client and FCC Industrial analysed the viability of various alternative proposals to protect the counted species.
The main benefit of the environmental project is based on the protection of fish species in water downriver from the flows affected by the gas pipeline route.
The project results have been positive and satisfactory, as no loss of any fish species has been recorded as a consequence of the gas pipeline works.