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ExpandNational Patent P201831083
Robotic system and methods for maintenance tasks on streetlights and vertical cone-shaped structures.
The present invention relates to devices or systems for the maintenance of streetlights or other types of vertical structures having a substantially conical shape. More particularly to robotic systems for performing such tasks.
It comprises a robotic system designed to autonomously perform maintenance tasks on lampposts or vertical cone-shaped or similar structures, such as the painting of such elements.
ExpandUtility Model No. 201830861 "Integrated infrastructure supervision and control system"
AVANZA is an integrated system for the management and control of infrastructures, designed on a GIS platform, which allows the monitoring and operation of field devices and the exploitation of the systems in an integrated manner and of the information provided by them. It covers various areas of application:
AVANZA-ITS, for road traffic;
AVANZA-Shadow Toll, for traffic on Shadow Toll motorways and,
AVANZA-Tunnel, for tunnel traffic.
Utility Model No. 201830718 "Integrated traffic control system"
The invention focuses, in general, on technologies related to traffic management and control systems, including tunnels, aid posts, etc., where all the installations can be controlled through a global management that also involves the collection and analysis of data and possible exploitation models. More specifically, the invention refers to an integrated traffic control system.
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ExpandUS Copyright Office Registration of "Optiport Towards an Optimal Port Planning" Txu 8-570-752
OptiPort is a reliable, robust, user-friendly and agile tool developed for port managers to support decision making related to the management and planning of the port and its resources.
Simulation software for the maritime operations of a port which, using probabilistic techniques, predicts the quality of port operations, estimates the uncertainty of the effectiveness of a management and planning policy and compares the effectiveness of different management and planning alternatives or policies.
- EUIPO TRADEMARK 017641796 (Intellectual Property Office of the European Union)
- USPTO TRADEMARK 87750118(S) 5854276 (R) (United States Patent and Trademark Office)
STAF, Technical Training Support Service
ExpandCopyright Registration US Copyright Office (USCO) TXu 2-049-016
Technical Training Assistance System. Web application for managing employee training. It covers the complete life cycle of the training action: application, management, approval, call for applications, costs, subsidies, evaluation, etc. It allows to define the professional profiles of the employees, and the evaluation of their knowledge and skills, in order to detect the training needs and to be able to prepare the company's Training Plan.
National Marks M3662792 and M3662795