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The FCC City: a new online channel at the service of business


The FCC City: a new online channel at the service of business

The FCC City: a new online channel at the service of business

FCC Construcción inaugurates a new project, the FCC City, a new online channel that provides two ways of browsing: a virtual city and a world map on which more than 120 singular works have been located that are organised by continents and by countries.

The city includes the representation of over forty works in 3D and a menu system that can display 120 works that are organised by the various activities. When you click on the works, a descriptive file is displayed with a multimedia gallery.

This application is developed in the HTML 5 Web language and has been optimised for iPad and tablet browsing. It is important to take into account that it is only possible to browse the Internet Explorer using version 9 and above, as earlier versions do not work, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. This Web language was chosen because it reduces costs and avoids duplication of development in several programming languages.

Shall we get to know it together?

 FCC City

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