FCC Industrial
> Sustainability
Community: Case studies
Mariña-Lucense gas pipeline. Safeguarding of protected species project, the Iberian frog tadpole "the common frog"
Mariña-Lucense gas pipeline. Safeguarding of protected species project, the Iberian frog tadpole "the common frog"
Description of the social and environmental action
Discovered need:
The following is to be carried out in the floodplain areas affected by the Mariña-Lucense Gas pipeline where the Iberian frog tadpole is present:
- 1.- Inventory of species
- 2.- Removal of the Iberian frog tadpole (see photo), once the inventory has been carried out in the floodplain area, to prevent them from being affected by the presence of machinery.
- 3.- Transferral of the species to protected areas. A plastic protection is to be placed over these areas acting as a barrier and preventing the amphibians from returning to places affected by the gas pipeline works.
- 4.- Restitution of the affected area, returning it back to its initial state.
Discovered need:
The environmental action was driven by the protection of the protected tadpole species of the Iberian frog, which was present in the works area of the Mariña-Lucense Gas pipeline, measuring 65 km in length with 16-inch diameter pipes.
Interest Groups
The main stakeholders of the project were identified as being: the local community, autonomous and local environmental protection services, and the client (Gas Natural Fenosa).
The client participated in supervising the environmental project so it could subsequently pass the results on to the local community and the autonomous and local environmental protection services.
During the course of the project, the client and FCC Industrial analysed the viability of various alternative proposals to protect the Iberian frog tadpole.
The main benefit of the environmental project is based on the protection of the Iberian frog tadpole.
The project results have been positive and satisfactory, as no loss of any Iberian frog tadpole has been recorded as a consequence of the gas pipeline works.