FCC Industrial
> Corporate area
> Presentation
CEO letter
Letter from the CEO of FCC Group
I am pleased to present the new FCC Industrial e Infraestructuras Energeticas website. With this, we are taking a further step forward to consolidating the FCC Industrial, the youngest brand in the FCC Group, which started in 2014 with the reorganisation of some of our subsidiaries.
Today, we are closer to our clients worldwide. We have worked to create an operational structure that allows us to reach where our services are required; we have reinvented ourselves to offer services and products that are suited to our clients’ needs.
A strong internet presence allows us to reach our partners more easily. This website is intended to be a window to our company. In it you can find our main activities and services, a selection of references and special projects that demonstrate our capacity to our new clients, communication channels open for us and a directory of our locations.
Transparency and the eagerness to serve have guided its preparation with the aim that our website must above all inform our visitors.
To a great extent FCC Industrial is still a dynamic reality today. For this, we understand that this medium is ideal to describe the natural evolution of FCC’s industrial division. The website presented below are designed to show in a quick and intuitive way, at a glance not only our activity but also the group’s various policies– relating to people, innovation and the environment.
In matters of occupational safety, all the companies in FCC Group maintain a prevention policy adapted to each of their specific practices with rigorous compliance with current legislation.
Innovation and development is one of the main axes of FCC Industrial. We understand that the joint work of the various companies benefits the entire industrial division and this is seen in initiatives such as the Fénix Project led by the Systems Division of FCC Industrial e Infraestructuras Energeticas and the group company Matinsa.
In caring for the environment FCC Industrial e Infraestructuras Energeticas upholds the environmental policies of our mother company and we are working day by day to improve our environmental emissions and to minimize the impact of our activity.
I hope that enjoy this site; for us it is another milestone on the long journey on which we have embarked upon.
Pablo Colio
CEO of FCC Group