All Suppliers or Subcontractors of FCC Industrial are subject to a prior evaluation in the first purchase or subcontracting. As a result of this process, it is registered, issuing an average score with the evaluated criteria and keeping it associated with the supplier at the organization level.
After their prior evaluation and subsequent approval, they are subjected to continuous evaluation of the contracted works.
- Supplies: Receipt of the products on the delivery note according to the reception report of the Quality Plan
- Services: Inspection of the work by personnel of our organization according to the program of inspection points (PPI) of the activity of the Quality Plan.
At the end of the work, the supplier is evaluated for each contract made according to the following APT or CONFLICTIVE criterion, stating, where appropriate, the causes of the conflict: breach of deadlines, price failure, lack of quality of work, etc. If the conflict is very serious, the supplier's veto could be requested. This final evaluation appears on the card of each provider so that it can be consulted by the rest of the organization.
At the same time, the corresponding accreditations for the contracted activities are checked and all the requested documentation has been received in the purchasing specifications. FCC Industrial reserves the right to visit the supplier's facilities and / or perform the inspections, tests and relevant tests on the contracted.