FCC Industrial has the following Seals and Certifications:

  BIM Management Certificate UNE 19650 Access to the certificate
  Quality certification   UNE - EN ISO: 9001 Access to the certificate
  Environment certification   UNE - EN ISO: 14001 Access to the certificate
  Health and Safety Certificate   ISO 45001: 2018 Access to the certificate
  Certificate of Classification as an Energy Service Provider   UNE - 216701 Access to the certificates
  Energy Efficiency certification   UNE - EN ISO: 50001 Access to the certificate
  Information Security certification   UNE - EN ISO: 27001 Access to the certificate
  Certificate in the National Security Scheme   ENS - 2022 / 0047 Access to the certificate
  R&D&i  Certificate   UNE - 166002 Access to the certificate
  PECAL Certificate   PECAL/AQAP – 2110 / 2210 Access to the certificate
  Carbon footprint Certificate    UNE-EN ISO 14064 Access to the certificate
  MITERD Carbon Footprint Registration Certificate    Ministry Registration Access to the certificate